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Glendyn Ivin Photo a day project 2018

Glendyn Ivin


Sisters Jill and Katrina visiting from the country for the weekend. The Brunx, Melbourne.

Glendyn Ivin


First day back searching after a week of the flu. The Brunx, Melbourne.

Glendyn Ivin


Sick. (as in coming down with something on the flight back to Melbourne). Somewhere in the air between Sydney and Melbourne.

Glendyn Ivin


The last few days of Searching. Getting my (proper) camera back tomorrow… CAN NOT WAIT! The Brunx, Melbourne.

Glendyn Ivin


I must admit. Even though I have found something liberating about not carrying my normal camera(s) around and relying only on my phone camera I do miss the method and process I have been practising over the last three and half years of daily uploads here.

Sure an image is image, but the way I work with my camera has become second nature and the photographing, downloading, editing and processing has all become an essential daily routine that has made the The Search such an essential part of my daily routine. The phone has convenience but it’s far from what draws me to making images regularly.

So forgive me if I’ve missed some days because it feel like a whole new habit to form. Hoping to return to my regular scheduled photography as soon as possible!

All of the above from Brunswick, Melbourne.