Glendyn Ivin
Soho, London.
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Glendyn Ivin Photo a day project 2018
Soho, London.
Hello London! Here for a few days for the Royal Society of Television Awards where The Cry is up for Best Mini-series! London, U.K.
Rosebud and Natalie. Brunswick, Melbourne.
Thoughts with those effected by the tragedy in New Zealand today. Photo from January when I was over there enjoying being in one of my favourite places.
Penguin writer Harry Cripps shielding from Sydneys heat yesterday and re-entry back into Melbourne early this morning (just past midnight). Surrey Hills, Sydney / Brunswick, Melbourne.
Penguin soft pre. Chippendale, Sydney.
Watching planes land with Rosebud today. Tullamarine, Melbourne.
Collingwood, Melbourne.
Daddy / Daughter date. Brunswick, Melbourne.
Brunx colour. Brunswick, Melbourne.
Wandering. The Brunx, Melbourne.
The Brunx. Melbourne.
I’ve had my eye on this one for a long time. It nearly always has other cars parked around it. East Brunswick, Melbourne.
Yesterday I went and saw ROMA again… it just gets better with each viewing. And today I sheltered from the heat but was drawn to a detail of a gifted print by my friend Matthew J Thorne. Brunswick, Victoria.
Met a wonderful bird trainer today. Gold Coast, QLD.
A writers hand. Jac Perske. Prahran, Melbourne.
New project announced today! Penguin Bloom. (photo not taken today… something is up with my camera!)
RIP Mark Hollis. One of my Heroes…
Not sure what happened to this shot yesterday I’m sure I posted Rosie glassy eyed watching Storm Boy! And tonight in the city… when did these crazy skyscrapers get built?!?! Melbourne.
Evening stroll. The Brunx. Melbourne.