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Glendyn Ivin Photo a day project 2018

Glendyn Ivin


Quick trip to London for ADR and music. Managed to drop my favorite photo spot at the end of the day... Soho, London. 

Glendyn Ivin


Glasgow light tonight outside our kitchen window. West End, Glasgow.  

Glendyn Ivin


Creepin' on the Creepy Argyle Street tree again... FInnieston, Glasgow. 

Glendyn Ivin


Our neighbour the Wood Pigeon is busy feeding her two chicks which hatched last weekend. So great watching this process unfold just outside our apartment window. West End, Glasgow. 

Glendyn Ivin


Alastair now cutting three episodes at once... South Glasgow.  

Glendyn Ivin


Rosebud, Natalie and Molly from next door checking out the newly hatched Wood Pigeon chicks which are nested just outside our window. West End, Glasgow.  

Glendyn Ivin


Editor Alastair considering notes on notes. South Glasgow. UK.

Glendyn Ivin


We have a wood pigeon nesting with two eggs just outside our apartment window. West End, Glasgow.